M50 Tour
"Game, Sports and Fun" - using this motto, the new mobile phone M50 was supposed to be presented on Southeuropean beaches.
Italy, Spain, Mallorca, Ibiza, Portugal
6 weeks
250.000 holiday maker
To introduce as many people as possible to the mobile phone. They should make some "tangible" experiences in order to inspire them with desire. With the help of haptic experiences, new features like "mobile-phone-game" were put in foreground. Therefore, the task was it to give the promtion an content of an attractive game.
Relating to the mobile's cover "Bubble-design", an inflatable major tent was created which was used as evening location. Using this ideas, distinctive design elements were in the center of optical interest. Interactive tools, for instance Game-zones and video material for greetings at home, were offered inside the tent.
Playing a game on the mobile phone, it was possible for each participant to qualify himself for a finale. To be considered: Only those, who were going to wear a Siemens tape until the next day, had a chance to win high-quality prices.
About 300.00 Gimmicks - i.e. inflatable beach pillows, blinkies, condoms etc - were produced and distributed for promotion.
Further, ten promotion teams, wearing M50-outfits, presented the mobile phone at beaches as well as in bars, clubs and restaurants.