



An insight in the mobile communication in the future. What will be a new trend, what can a customer expect and which does design undergo a new development? The Academy gave answers in a spectacular way.

Location: Sevilla, Spain

Duration: 3 days

Guests: 180 of SIEMENS mobile's best European major customers


Within an extraordinary event of three consecutive days, the guests should dip into tomorrow's world of communication. Having a look beyond, they were supposed to get aquainted with new trends, projects of the future and technical innovations.


A fascinating story provided the framework for this event: Aliens set off to head for new SIEMENS mobile products. Communication technics in galaxies far away needed to be updated.

The prelude was made on the first day: a lecture course on the Academy. Business developments in the future were discussed by American and European futurologists and trend-scouts and even Edgar K. Geoffrey, who became popular because of his genious strategies, gave interesting insights. "Special Guest" Brian Jones reported on his spectacular balooning experience with Piccard, which led him around the world.

In the evening the guests were contacted by aliens fort he first time. A Spanish Hacienda turned into a medial Ufo. Meanwhile, interior directors and designers created a mobile Siemens-world inside the hotel.

On the next day, all guests were invited by the aliens to "Aliens-Bar", "Aliens-Cinema" and "Aliens-Garden". In front of the city an Ufo had landed, where all guests celebrated this galactic evening. Highlight: Handing-over the newest Siemens mobile phone to the aliens.

"SIEMENS Mobile Academy Sevilla" Film
Events Quicktime