
Presentation of products

Presentation of the SL45 mobile phone


Presentation of the SL45 mobile phone

If an event shall be an adventure, Dubai, part of the United Arab Emirates, is the perfect setting, a place wrapped in mystery.
The "Eventure Tour" produced a story with fascinating scenarios at this special place. The attendees experienced an excavation in the desert, a meeting with a mysterious brotherhood (fraternity) in the historic center of Dubai and a final battle on the watercourse, the so called "Creek".
The highlight of this event was a show in the "Eventure" tent, accompanied by a song especially composed for this occasion.

Location: Dubai / V.A.E.

Duration: 3 days

Guests: 200 European top-level clients (customers)

Task: Presentation of the SL 45, the top poduct by SIEMENS Mobile Phones


Dubai represents adventure and the guests should go through an unique Adventure-Tour. The guests experienced a well mounted story with many scenarios, ranging from excavations in the desert to the "old brotherhood" in the Bastakia.
On the last evening the story concludes in an Eventure tent, exclusively constructed and built for SIEMENS. A final show with a song especially composed for this event, thrilled all guests.

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